May 16, 2011


Over the weekend I got to go to a wedding as a guest. It was nice to just be able to enjoy the day with my friends. I grew up with the groom and have known his family for years so it was kind of wierd to see him get married!!! Sometimes I forget that I'm an "adult". Although I didn't really take many pictures, the wedding was on a boat cruise and I couldn't resist taking a few just for fun! The rain was not a welcome guest, but it did make for some really cool pictures (I put my favorite one at the end... for some reason it reminded me of the movie Pearl Harbor...)! Congrats Jeff and Kathryn!

May 03, 2011


I spent the gorgeous Sunday we just had in Vancouver with my good friend Tamara. It was really bright which isn't really ideal photography conditions, but we used it to our advantage and played with the light/shadows and it turned out amazing! We also found some great hidden shaded areas which gave us somewhere to just have fun taking pictures. We laughed a lot and were super tired by the end but it was well worth it. Here are some of the pictures... I'll be honest, it was REALLY hard to choose which ones to pick. I had so many that I loved! Here's a sample from all the locations. Thanks T. :)