March 30, 2010


It's finally here! I'm so excited to have a sample of my first wedding pictures to put on my blog. Ever since I was 16 this has been on my "bucket list" as they say so I finally get to cross wedding photography off my list of things to do before I die. I'm so glad I got to be a part of this wedding, everyone was so relaxed and fun! Congrats Mr. & Mrs. Field! XOXO


March 09, 2010


So for my last fieldtrip for my class this semester, we all met at Granville Island and after enjoying some AMAZING food just ran around taking pictures of anything we felt like. Unfortunately I witnessed a Seagul consuming a dead baby duck which was pretty scarring haha, but other than that it was a really fun day. I really want to go back with some people though because I really much prefer taking pictures with actual people in them. :) Here's a little sample of my favorites...

P.S. I got my new lens! I forked out the big bucks, but I'm loving it!!! (insert McDonalds theme song here).

March 06, 2010


Today I got to go visit a new little baby boy and his family. He was absolutely adorable and I really enjoyed the experience despite the fact that a photoshoot was not his first choice for a sunny Saturday activity! Thanks guys!