September 21, 2010


It's been a while since I've posted some pictures... or even taken some pictures. I was just in the  mood to get some beautiful pictures so I went out around sunset (so I only got to go out for about half an hour or so) but I had a good time. I just decided to go to Barnston Island because I live about a 5 minute drive away. By the time I got over there it was too dark to go much past the water line... but that's ok with me, I love the pictures I got. I also got to meet the Greater Vancouver Motorcycle Club which was fun. Took a couple pictures for them on their last ride of the season. We just happened to be coming and going at the same time and we had some good conversation... who knows, maybe one day I'll be riding with them! :) Here's some pictures I took. P.S. My website should be done this week. YAY!!!!



September 02, 2010


Hey guys... I have finally upadated my blog banner. It's been a while and I wasn't totally happy with it. So I guess I'm also getting to introduce my new logo to you. I personally LOVE it. My web designer played around with what I had before and I can't believe how much more I like it! It was a simple case of not knowing I didn't like something... until I had another option! So I've very excited to show everyone. P.S. My website should be up and running in the next month! YAYYYYY!   XOXO