May 27, 2010


Ok so here are some pictures of my friend who I got a chance to take out on a day of pictures. I think she is just gorg. and apparently SUPER photogenic! That's always a fun day for me! If only I wasn't such an airhead that day. We had to battle through my forgetfulness and in the end had to cut the shoot short due to a couple of dead batteries (that's right... 2 of them... who does that?!) so you'll see some more soon!!! Thanks Sarah!!!

May 26, 2010


Ok, what a sister... Dragged her out of the house on a Sunday morning for a field trip which we had to bring a model for! She did awesome as usual and I was really happy with the pictures. My favorite by far are the first two... they are a couple of my favorite pictures ever! :)




So... it's been a while. The only reason being my crazy lap top. For some reason it will not let me on the internet. It's connected but no websites are available. It's so weird... and right now really frustrating too.I've actually been doing some fun stuff lately first. In this post I'm going to show you some stuff that I've been doing in class which is studio work. It is really quite fun, if only I had an unlimited supply of money to buy myself a studio and all the expensive equiptment to go along with it. I could go crazy... but for now you'll have to settle for some pictures of my lovely classmates!